Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
The Birth of the New Humanity Is Near
Message of the Blessed Virgin to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on May 17, 2023

"Dear children, open your hearts to Jesus the Good Shepherd. Entrust yourselves to Him, Divine Master, Holy among saints. Let Him heal the wounds of your hearts, the wounds of sin, the wounds of disobedience. Imitate the Saints in the exercise of the Christian virtues. Pray to the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. Take refuge in My Motherly Heart. I exhort you to peace of heart. I urge you to purify your mind, assere serene, less restless and less selfish. Be selfless, help those in need. Pray the Rosary every day by the light of a blessed candle. Invoke Jesus.
Dear children, be renewed in Jesus.
O my Lord, stand by me in trial and in life. Move me in the Way of Your Gospel. Guide me and encourage me if I stop. I know that I am a nobody. I know I am a nothing, a sinner seeking Forgiveness from You. Lord Jesus accept me as I am. Make me less hard-hearted, able to love and forgive, to console and not condemn. Help me to grow in holiness and divine truth. Make me accept the revelation of Fatima. Make me understand the message of Fatima. Make me live her Appeal. Divine Master, Merciful Savior, save me, forgive me, heal me, enlighten me, use me. Deliver me of the Adversary and from his plots, illusions, seductions, plagiarism. Help me to believe in You more and more. Help me Divine my King. Thou art worthy of my praise. Glorious is Your admirable Kingdom. To Him who sits on His Throne, be glory and honor.
"The time is fulfilled. The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe the Gospel."
"The Spirit and the Bride cry out, Come Lord Jesus!"
"And behold I come."
"He bandages those whose hearts are wounded."
"He forgives all your sins."
"God is Love, Charity."
"Come to Me you who are weary."
"The Childbirth is near. The Birth of the New Humanity. All Humanity groans in pain."
Wait for the Bridegroom. Militant Church, wait for the Bridegroom who is coming soon. The Heavenly Church comes to the rescue of the Earthly Church, through Apparitions, Visions, Miracles and Prophecies. The Purgatory Church asks for alms and prayers.
"The seven Angels hold the Seven Plagues."
"The Beast pursued the Woman."
"The Beast spoke with the voice of a lamb."
"The Beast gave power to the statue to speak."
"The Beast made war with Heaven."
"The Beast has ten horns, ten kings. With diadems, occult powers."
"The Beast has seven heads."
"The number of the Beast is 6 6 6. It is a man's name. The man of iniquity. The Impious One. Incarnation of Satan."
"Two thirds of the stars fell."
"Two-thirds of the People disappeared."
"Fire fell from heaven."
Do not fear. God's wrath will strike the wicked, the unrighteous and the evildoers, but not the righteous and the repentant.
Be vigilant, oppose Satan, be strong.